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Private Sector Engagement

Feed the Future works hand-in-hand with the private sector to design, create and finance solutions that reduce poverty, fight hunger and improve nutrition across the globe. Our private sector partners are thought leaders who help increase country and market capacities, drive inclusive economic growth and achieve more sustainable outcomes at scale. By collaborating with the private sector, Feed the Future helps entrepreneurs, especially small-to-medium enterprises and local business owners, generate income and opportunity in their communities.


Taking a Comprehensive Approach to Agriculture, Nutrition and Food Security
From Humble Beginnings to Food Processing Powerhouse
President of Honduras Honors Community Health Workers for Achieving Results in Nutrition
Secretary Kerry Appoints New Leadership for the Office of Global Food Security
Remarks by National Security Advisor Susan E. Rice Keynote Address at the Center for a New American Security Annual Conference
Remarks by National Security Advisor Susan E. Rice at the Chicago Council Global Food Security Conference
The Future Will Be Fed by the Fearless
Remarks by USAID Administrator Rajiv Shah at the Feed the Future Global Forum Opening
Tajikistan Transformed: Feeding the Future
USAID Unveils Results for President Obama’s Feed the Future Initiative to Reduce Global Hunger and Poverty
Empowering Smallholder Farmers with Inputs and Information
Turning Africa’s Green Shoots into Steady Growth

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