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Private Sector Engagement

Feed the Future works hand-in-hand with the private sector to design, create and finance solutions that reduce poverty, fight hunger and improve nutrition across the globe. Our private sector partners are thought leaders who help increase country and market capacities, drive inclusive economic growth and achieve more sustainable outcomes at scale. By collaborating with the private sector, Feed the Future helps entrepreneurs, especially small-to-medium enterprises and local business owners, generate income and opportunity in their communities.


USAID and Irish Aid Collaborate to Award Ethiopian Dairy Innovation Fund Recipients
New Fortified Wheat Flour Launched by ASTCO Food Complex
Feed the Future Helps Address Water Insecurity in Nepal
Sustainable Composting Provides Valuable Soil Improvements and Household Income for Women Farmers in Tajikistan
Feed the Future Helps Smallholder Farmers in Tanzania Access Water
Managing River Water Resources in Moldova
Better Irrigation Systems Strengthen Agricultural Production and Resilience in Haiti
How One Small Business Helped Make the Rainforest “Too Valuable to Cut Down”
Natural Resource Management Helps Honduran Farmers Combat Coffee Rust
Pastoral Communities Adapt Sustainable Land Management Practices to Improve Livelihoods
Conservation Agriculture Reduces Time and Labor for Women in Cambodia
Here’s What Happens When Global Hunger Meets American Ingenuity

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