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Feed the Future supports policy reform to generate meaningful change. These efforts aim to improve the functioning of public and private sectors that can sustainably provide extension, social safety nets, research, health, inputs, and other goods and services. Through diplomacy and programmatic support, we work closely with governments and with national and local stakeholders to advance and help implement an evidence-based policy agenda consistent with international obligations and U.S. policy objectives.


Remarks by USAID Administrator Rajiv Shah to the CGIAR Board of Directors
Kenya’s Cash Cows
Feed the Future Research Series Part II: Successful Agriculture through Crop Improvement
Feed the Future Research Series Part III: Climate Change and Agriculture
U. S. Government Opens Water User Association Office in Khatlon
USDA and USAID Collaborate to Improve Productivity of the Common Bean to Strengthen Global Food Security
Feed the Future Research Series Part I: Sustainable Food Security
A Passion for Changing Lives: Empowering Women with HIV/AIDS through Passion Fruit Farming
Gender Equity, Equality and Women’s Empowerment
First-of-Its-Kind Research Addresses Gender Inequalities in Soybean Production
Testimony of Tjada McKenna, Feed the Future Deputy Coordinator for Development, before the Senate Foreign Relations International Development Subcommittee
Wheat Genome Sequenced in Breakthrough for Global Food Security
U.S. Launches New Livestock Market Development Project

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