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Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning

Feed the Future uses monitoring and evaluation to coordinate and learn from our global food security and nutrition efforts. Our data and extensive analytic efforts play a critical role in supporting evidence-based investments, accountability and transparency of our programs. These quantitative efforts not only provide important actionable insights, but help to unlock and understand our impact to fight hunger, poverty and malnutrition around the world.


At 2011 Ibrahim Forum, OPIC Discusses Investments in African Agriculture
Feed the Future Highlighted at U.S.-Rwanda Meeting on Trade and Investment
Background Briefing On Secretary Clinton's West Africa Trip
Transforming African Agricultural Systems Through Sustainable Intensification: Project Design Workshops
Ghana, Mali
Ensuring Food Security Remains a High-Level Priority
Science Envoy Travels to Bangladesh
Peace Corps Returns to Nepal
Helping Guatemala Cultivate a Better Future
U.S. Government $250 Million Feed the Future Program Marks First Year of Success
Heifer Sheep Handoff Jump-Starts USAID Project in Senegal
WFP Executive Director Assumes Role At World Economic Forum
Food Security: Two Year Fast Facts on the U.S. Government's Work in Haiti

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