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Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning

Feed the Future uses monitoring and evaluation to coordinate and learn from our global food security and nutrition efforts. Our data and extensive analytic efforts play a critical role in supporting evidence-based investments, accountability and transparency of our programs. These quantitative efforts not only provide important actionable insights, but help to unlock and understand our impact to fight hunger, poverty and malnutrition around the world.


Sustainable Intensification in the Ethiopian Highlands Agricultural Systems: Designing the Project
Keeping Promises on Food Security
United States Advances Global Food Security under L'Aquila Food Security Initiative
'Feed the Future': Connecting All the (Agricultural Research) Dots in the Ethiopian Highlands
Some Relief in East African Famine, But Aid Must Continue
U.S. Senator: Africa Continent of Tremendous Opportunity
Opening Remarks to Regional Journalists on the Margins of African Union Summit
Ghana, Uganda
United States Food Security Investment Will Benefit 40,000 Zambian Households
Remarks byDeputy Secretary Kathleen Merrigan at the 12th National Conference on Science, Policy and the Environment
Briefing on U.S. Efforts in the Humanitarian Crisis in the Horn of Africa
Feed the Future Holds First Public-Private Partnership Technical Forum
USAID Administrator Shah's Remarks at Senator Chris Coons' Africa Conference

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