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Gender Equity, Equality and Women’s Empowerment

Empowering women and girls is critical to achieving secure, sustainable and equitable global food systems. Feed the Future promotes evidence-based and data-driven approaches to advancing gender equity, equality and women’s empowerment. We challenge discriminatory gender norms, policies and practices. We intentionally engage with men and boys as partners to empower women and girls in their different roles on and off the farm.


USAID, JICA and Ajinomoto Signed Memorandum of Understanding on Weaning Child Nutrition Improvement in Ghana
Report to Congress: Assessment of the U.S. Government Haiti Rebuilding and Development Strategy
Ambassador Carmen Lomellin's Remarks to the 42nd OAS General Assembly
M&E Blog Series: Feed the Future Learning Agenda
EthioPEA Alliance Announced: Government of Ethiopia, USAID, WFP and PepsiCo Launch Alliance for Nutrition and Agriculture Production
U.S., Partners Step Up Agricultural Development Efforts
Peace Corps: Helping Feed the Future
Ethiopia: Land of Contrasts, Nation in Transformation
Five Questions about the New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition
Nutrition Research Aims to Make Food Security Investments More Effective
Conservation Farming Defies Drought in Senegal
1,000 Days to Change the Future Event Highlights Importance of Nutrition

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