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Gender Equity, Equality and Women’s Empowerment

Empowering women and girls is critical to achieving secure, sustainable and equitable global food systems. Feed the Future promotes evidence-based and data-driven approaches to advancing gender equity, equality and women’s empowerment. We challenge discriminatory gender norms, policies and practices. We intentionally engage with men and boys as partners to empower women and girls in their different roles on and off the farm.


Modernizing Moldova’s Agricultural Future
Strengthening Local Entrepreneurs to Deliver More Nutritious Foods
From Rhetoric to Action: Towards a Transformed Agriculture and a Food Secure Africa
Could Your Business Benefit from Collaborating with Feed the Future? Find Out
United States Senator Transfers Cross-Bred Dairy Heifers to Families in Chacha
Haitian Farmers Increase Yields and Visibility
Helping the Most Vulnerable Lift Themselves Up in Cambodia
Top 10 Feed the Future Blog Posts of 2013
A Year in Review: 2013 Highlights in Global Hunger and Food Security
U.S. African Development Foundation Reaches 30,000 Beneficiaries
OPIC Supports$3.75 Billion in U.S. Investments Overseas in 2013
Remarks by Administrator Rajiv Shah to the Agribusiness Club Luncheon

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