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Gender Equity, Equality and Women’s Empowerment

Empowering women and girls is critical to achieving secure, sustainable and equitable global food systems. Feed the Future promotes evidence-based and data-driven approaches to advancing gender equity, equality and women’s empowerment. We challenge discriminatory gender norms, policies and practices. We intentionally engage with men and boys as partners to empower women and girls in their different roles on and off the farm.


Graduating Students Ready for Real-World Agricultural Challenges
When the Sweet Potato Goes Viral: A New Approach to Nutrition Programming in Northern Ghana
Weevils are No Match for Beneficial Nematodes at Zamorano University
A Center of Excellence Takes the Guesswork Out of Lab Work
Special Bean Team Tackling World Hunger with Science
Forward Progress in the Fight to End Global Hunger
Fortifying Flour for a Stronger Ethiopia
A Bangladesh Shrimp Hatchery Goes from "Zero to Hero"
Tanzanian Students Learn the ABCs of Orange-Fleshed Sweet Potatoes
From U.S. Tractors to Ghanaian Tables
Farmers in Mozambique Reconnect to Global Cashew Market
A Partnership to Boost Africa’s Food Security

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