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Gender Equity, Equality and Women’s Empowerment

Empowering women and girls is critical to achieving secure, sustainable and equitable global food systems. Feed the Future promotes evidence-based and data-driven approaches to advancing gender equity, equality and women’s empowerment. We challenge discriminatory gender norms, policies and practices. We intentionally engage with men and boys as partners to empower women and girls in their different roles on and off the farm.


Green Means Go for Healthy Meals And Habits in Guatemalan Schools
A Growing Venture Helps Cambodians Get Healthy
Teach a Man to Grow Sweet Potatoes is the Mantra in Malawi
Doing Things Differently in Djalé
Research on Cowpeas Aims to Stump Stunting in Malawi
6 Creative Pumpkin Recipes That Go Beyond the Holidays
5 Ways USAID Is Investing In Agriculture And Food Security To End Hunger
Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda
Administrator Green Announces Next Phase of Feed the Future On First International Trip
Entrepreneurship Protects Bottom Lines and the Environment in Senegal
Creating a Sustainable Farming Future in Tanzania
Breaking the Barriers of Youth Unemployment in Nigeria
Guatemala's Youth Chase Their Agricultural Dreams

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