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USDA Secretary Vilsack Delivers Remarks on Food Security at U.S.-China Agricultural Symposium

What’s more, our two great nations—and our great agricultural economies—have a tremendous capacity to build a better world. I appreciate Minister Han’s enthusiastic willingness to co-host and sponsor this symposium focused on food security, food safety, and sustainability, he and I, along with Vice President Xi understand the importance of building strong and lasting relationships between American and Chinese businesses. So, there are many reasons why we meet here and now.

First, we have responsibility and opportunity to work together to address the causes of global hunger that affect more than 925 million people. Current population trends mean we must increase agricultural production by 70 percent by 2050 to feed more than 9 billion people. I look forward to strengthening partnerships with China to support agricultural productivity in nations where far too many millions go hungry. The expertise, technical know-how, research and combined will of our two nations can go a long way to filling empty stomachs and improve incomes and economies around the world.

It is fitting, then, that we are meeting at the headquarters of the World Food Prize. The prize was the brainchild of Dr. Norman Borlaug, an Iowa native who saved tens of millions of lives by dedicating himself to the problems of food production and eradicating hunger. Two great Chinese men have been recognized with this prestigious prize for helping feed millions of Chinese citizens and people around the world.

The impact of Dr. Borlaug’s work—and the work of all those who have received this honor—should serve as our inspiration as we discuss how our nations can more effectively collaborate to increase the availability and use of sustainably produced food. Food security is only one of the important issues to be addressed today.

U.S., China sign plan of strategic cooperation in agriculture

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack and China’s Minister of Agriculture Han Changfu today signedan historic Plan of Strategic Cooperation that will guide the two countries’ agricultural relationship for the next 5 years. The plan was signed as part of the U.S.-China Agricultural Symposium held today at the World Food Prize Hall of Laureates. 



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