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U.S. Joins Consensus on UN Human Rights Council Resolution on the Right to Food

Continue reading the remarks on the U.S. Mission Geneva website

Thank you, Madame President. The United States joins consensus, despite some concerns, on this resolution on the right to food.

Improving global food security is a key foreign policy objective of the Obama Administration. The U.S. Government has launched the Feed the Future initiative, and has pledged at least $3.5 billion over three years to help our partner countries improve the entire agriculture value chain—from fields to markets to homes. And that is the central pillar of our commitment to sustainable solutions to hunger.

The United States is committed to accelerating progress towards the Millennium Development Goals, including by investing in country plans to boost agricultural development as a means for achieving the hunger and poverty-related MDG, reducing by half the proportion of people who suffer from hunger and who live in extreme poverty by 2015.



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