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National Security & Foreign Policy Priorities in the FY13 International Affairs Budget

Read the full remarks on the U.S. Department of State website

And finally, we are elevating development alongside diplomacy and defense. Poverty, disease, hunger, climate change can destabilize societies and sow the seeds for future conflicts. We think we need to make strategic investments today in order that we can meet our traditional foreign policy goals in the future. Through the Global Health Initiative, through our Feed the Future initiative, we are consolidating programs, increasing our partners’ capacity, shifting responsibilities to host countries, and making an impact in areas of health andhunger that will be a real credit to our country going forward.

And as we transform development, we really have to deliver measurable results. Our long-term objective must be to empower people to create and seize their own futures.

These five priorities are each crucial to American leadership, and they rely on the work of some of the most capable, hardest working, and bravest people I’ve ever met: the men and women of State and USAID. Working with them is one of the greatest honors I’ve had in public life.



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